Friday, October 23, 2009


Wanna know something pathetic?


I know, right? I've lived ten minutes from Lagoon my entire life and gone there like a million times, yet I've never experienced the greatness that is Frightmares. But do not worry my dear friends, because that is about to change.

Tonight, when the clock strikes somewhere around 6:03, Garrett, Jake, Chelsie, Harmony, and I will walk into Lagoon and have our nightmares come true! Mwa haha haha (creepy evil laugh... think Vincent Price [he's the guy that talks in "Thriller" for those of you who don't know of his greatness])!! Anyway, I'm really quite excited! Also really afraid cuz haunted houses and such scare the crap out of me but they're also amazingly fun. And Jake better be nice... with his experience working at Lagoon and haunting during Frightmares, he'll know a lot about everything... if he tries to scare me I shall smack him! Not even kidding. Poor Jake gets beat up all the time! But! I will have my cute boy named Garrett to hold on to and hide behind if (or should I say when) necessary! :) <3

After will also be epic... Lindsay + Chelsie + Harmony + sleepover = no sleep + epic sugar + laughing til it hurts!! I is so excited :)

Hooray for the weekend :D
It's official.
Frightmares is AMAZING.
Garrett, Harmony, Chelsie, Jake, and Caleb, I love your guts! Greatest Lagoon trip ever! If only we could have stayed longer... I'm dumb. We should have gone on Saturday. Oh well. I love Frightmares! I loved the fog that engulfed the whole park... wonderfully epicly creepy :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

What the...?

So... tonight's been weird.

I was at Jake's eating pizza and watching "They Call Me Trinity" and listening to Relient Kcuz we were uber bored. Then Lauren texts me and tells me that FHE is dinner at the bishop's house so I left Jake's and drove over to the Toaster to wait for my FHE family like Lauren told me to. So I get there and there are a few people there, but I don't recognize any of them. Then Ali shows up in her car and we wait around for like 20 minutes while like a whole other ward shows up. Still, no one from our family or even our ward. So... we left. And went home. And on the way to the elevator we walked through another FHE that was being held in the hallway on the first floor. And I stopped to talk to Harland, then another kid, who's in choir and with whom I've wanted to make friends with, talked to me too. His name was Tanner the tenor. So Ali and I went upstairs to 408, where we live. And there was no one home. Lauren had said she was at the doctor's with Makel and Sam, but we had no idea why, and Cortney was just missing in action. Then!! Cortney appears with Frank and Jessica, and ingredients for a numalicious dinner. Then!! Lauren, Makel, and Sam come home proclaiming that the reason they were at the doctor's was that Lauren had an earache. Then Jessica cut her finger with a vegetable peeler and had to go back to her room for a bandaid. And Frank went into my and Cortney's room to play Cortney's cello. And Sam got really excited because she got a letter from Cameron today. And there's a ton of half-cooked chicken (Jessica attempted to un-thaw it in the microwave) on a cutting board on the counter and Frank keeps trying to cut it but is acting like a girl with the raw meat thing. And we're all probably exposed to swine flu. And Makel just told us she was a "healthy oxen," but that she has the strange feeling that she'll get the swine flu. And there are 4 laptops on the counter, 1 of which is doing homework, the other 3 of which are on Facebook, MySpace, etc. AND. We still haven't carved pumpkins.

There's just a weird feeling everywhere... not bad, just off... weird...
I swear we're in the Twilight Zone or something...
Weird things keep happening.
Beware October 19th...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Live for Today

So ya, I decided the title of my blog should be the title of this post. LIVE FOR TODAY. You know how hard that is? But oh my goodness, it makes life so much easier!!! At the beginning of every week, Monday seems to make everyone gloomy. But I try to think of it simply as a new day and I press through it. Before I know it the week is over and the weekend is here! Pick things each night that you are excited for: FHE, movie night, hanging with your roommates or friends, going to a musical, sleeping, the possibilities are endless! If you find things to be excited about every day, life is easier, more fun, and the painful things go by much faster. So as I said, LIVE FOR TODAY!! :D

Monday, October 12, 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. . .

In other words:
Being away from a person or group for too long sucks and you live every day with the agony that they're there and you're here, and you miss them like CRAZY until finally you get to see them again when you will scream and give them hugs or shake hands or kiss them or whatever it is that you do.
Sure, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but all that means is that it's painful. I hate not being able to see my cute boy and all my bestest friendlies from home, U of U, BHS, BYU, BYU-I, BYU-Hawaii, TC, Weber, and SLCC. BUT! This weekend will be incredibly epic. Even though I don't get to see everyone (namely BYU-I, BYU-Hawaii, and TC, and I love you guys!!), BHS, BYU, U of U, SLCC, and Weber people will all be involved! Can I wait NO. Look out super amazingly awesome weekend of reuniting. Here I come!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

College Saturdays

Saturday To-Do List:
Clean Room

It's always the same. I stay out late Friday night, usually until 1 or 2 AM (hooray for no curfew) then get home and don't actually go to bed until three, after I've thrown all the crap that I've dumped on my bed throughout the day into a pile on the floor. This includes my backpack, books, dirty clothes, clothes I was going to wear but decided not to, papers, etc. etc. This creates the laundry and room cleaning chores for Saturday. Homework is a given because Music Theory is evil and wants to eat my soul. And then there's Facebook. Once I've done everything I actually have to do, there's nothing else to do. Life would be so much easier if we had more than 10 TV channels, 5 of which are soap opera channels, 2 of which are in Spanish. So I spend the majority of my Saturday morning/afternoon on Facebook, listening to Relient K, blogging (as you can see), and eating. Dang I'm productive. Someone please give me something to do.

Now! I'm off to do my Saturday To-Do List. Wish me luck and separation from boredom.

You know you're a music major if...

You know you're a music major if. . .

. . .you hear and recognize the chord progressions in every song.
. . .you pronounce your vowels "ah ay ee oh oo" instead of "aa eh ih oh uh."
. . .your biggest adrenaline rush is the silence after the last chord in a choir song ends.
. . .oddly dressed people are a common occurance in your life.
. . .you can break out into four-part harmony with any given group of people you hang out with.
. . .late night conversations consist of your favorite song in Latin and your favorite Broadway musical.
. . .randomly bursting into song isn't really all that random.
. . .you harmonize to songs by your favorite band.
. . .you recognize that the notes at the beginning of "Send in the Clowns" make up a major 6/3 chord.
. . .you know that "do re mi fa sol la ti do" was not invented by Julie Andrews.
. . .seventh chords still freak you out.
. . .all of your friends are also music majors and you hang outside the choir room when you get bored.
. . .song titles like "Os justi," "Ubi caritas," and "Magnificat" are brought up in every day conversation.
. . .no matter how good you are at your instrument, everyone else is still better than you.
. . .know that German is not the prettiest language but you sing it anyway.
. . .you walk through the halls where your classes are and can hear 14 pianos, 4 violins, 1 viola, 3 singers, at least 5 brass instruments, 2 woodwinds, 2 cellos, 3 guitars, and a bass.
. . .you've heard more musicals than anyone else you know and know every word to all of them.
. . .water is your best friend.
. . .you have music theory study parties.
. . .the professor of one of your classes is a famous opera singer.
. . .your normal response to an invitation to hang out is, "I can't, I have to practice."
. . .you get chills when you hear dissonance.
. . .you notice the errors in part-writing when you sing Hymns.
. . .you wish you could belt like Idina Menzel or Birgit Nilsson.
. . .you know your instrument is better than any other instrument.
. . .falsetto is manly.
. . .you stay up til 3 AM writing list about how you know you're a music major.

I would know. I've done it all.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Girls of Snow 408

Oh roomies, how I love thee.

Why is it that whenever there are guys within listening distance, roomies always seem to say something incredibly odd or awkward that leaves you ROFLing and leaves the guy with a confused and terrified look on his face? The statement makes total sense to all of us, and sometimes we're joking and sometimes we're not. And the guy seems to come in at the exact wrong point in the conversation. A few examples:

"Oh my gosh, I met the hottest guy at the library today!"

"I want beef jerky! I want beef jerky."

"Ya guys, like, I've always wondered where I come from, why I'm here, and where I'm going."
"I'm wondering what this liquid is on my arm."

"Let's make fat girl sandwiches!"

"You look hot in those pants."

"I just think clothes are uncomfortable."

"I'm a lesbian."

Strange or just plain awkward, right? But when it's all said and done, the ROFLing continues from original ROFLing from the statement to ROFLing after seeing the look on the guy's face.

Girls of Snow 408 (Ali, Lauren, Makel, Sam, and Cortney, and Jess, our adopted roommate from the evil of her room on the 2nd floor) I love your stinkin' guts. :)
And P.S.- Thanks to Sammie for the picture :)

Ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed how many stupid little things annoy you throughout the day?

Today I was riding my bike through campus from the FAC (Fine Arts Center to all you non-USU-ians) to the Institute building. Three people were walking down the sidewalk together and didn't move far enough out of the way so I had like a foot of sidewalk to ride my bike on. Why? Can they not squish over to the edge of a 5 foot concrete strip for like 2 flippin' seconds to let a bike slide by?!

I was driving to Wal-Mart with Chelsie on Tuesday. When I realized I was driving the wrong way I pulled into another parking lot to turn around. Apparently I turned in front of someone and we almost died, but it really wasn't that close and the person probably had to tap on their brakes to keep from hitting us. But what did he/she do? He/she unleashed like a 10 second honk that probably startled everyone around him/her as well as Chelsie and me, so I flipped out and almost crashed into another car that had pulled into the parking lot before me. Now, was that completely necessary? Sure it was my fault, but did he/she really need to display that kind of overreaction?!

I was tired the other night, and I was in bed ready to fall asleep in bed by eleven thirty. Eleven thirty!! That's unheard of in LindsayLand. But for some reason my brain would not deactivate for the night. It never stopped thinking! Why brain?! Also, my roommates had friends over until like one in the morning... normally it doesn't bother me at all, like really, but the fact that my brain was in hyperdrive made the fact that they were talking outside my room made me mad, even though any other night my roommates are wonderful and that wouldn't bother me at all. Why Lindsay's brain?! Why do you steal sleep from me?!

Moral of the story you'd never guess if you read the actual story and can't read my mind:
Sure, there are little things every day that make us want to rip our hair out.
Do they matter?
In most cases the amazing happy things outweigh the stupid little ones.
So forget about them and smile.
Life is good.

Live For Today

:D :D :D