Wanna know something pathetic?
I know, right? I've lived ten minutes from Lagoon my entire life and gone there like a million times, yet I've never experienced the greatness that is Frightmares. But do not worry my dear friends, because that is about to change.
Tonight, when the clock strikes somewhere around 6:03, Garrett, Jake, Chelsie, Harmony, and I will walk into Lagoon and have our nightmares come true! Mwa haha haha (creepy evil laugh... think Vincent Price [he's the guy that talks in "Thriller" for those of you who don't know of his greatness])!! Anyway, I'm really quite excited! Also really afraid cuz haunted houses and such scare the crap out of me but they're also amazingly fun. And Jake better be nice... with his experience working at Lagoon and haunting during Frightmares, he'll know a lot about everything... if he tries to scare me I shall smack him! Not even kidding. Poor Jake gets beat up all the time! But! I will have my cute boy named Garrett to hold on to and hide behind if (or should I say when) necessary! :) <3
After will also be epic... Lindsay + Chelsie + Harmony + sleepover = no sleep + epic sugar + laughing til it hurts!! I is so excited :)
Hooray for the weekend :D
It's official.
Frightmares is AMAZING.
Garrett, Harmony, Chelsie, Jake, and Caleb, I love your guts! Greatest Lagoon trip ever! If only we could have stayed longer... I'm dumb. We should have gone on Saturday. Oh well. I love Frightmares! I loved the fog that engulfed the whole park... wonderfully epicly creepy :)