Why is it that whenever there are guys within listening distance, roomies always seem to say something incredibly odd or awkward that leaves you ROFLing and leaves the guy with a confused and terrified look on his face? The statement makes total sense to all of us, and sometimes we're joking and sometimes we're not. And the guy seems to come in at the exact wrong point in the conversation. A few examples:
"Oh my gosh, I met the hottest guy at the library today!"
"I want beef jerky! I want beef jerky."
"Ya guys, like, I've always wondered where I come from, why I'm here, and where I'm going."
"I'm wondering what this liquid is on my arm."
"Let's make fat girl sandwiches!"
"You look hot in those pants."
"I just think clothes are uncomfortable."
"I'm a lesbian."
Strange or just plain awkward, right? But when it's all said and done, the ROFLing continues from original ROFLing from the statement to ROFLing after seeing the look on the guy's face.
Girls of Snow 408 (Ali, Lauren, Makel, Sam, and Cortney, and Jess, our adopted roommate from the evil of her room on the 2nd floor) I love your stinkin' guts. :)
And P.S.- Thanks to Sammie for the picture :)
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