Thursday, November 18, 2010

you have GOT to be kidding me.

um... BYU game? we got screwed.
i'm sorry refs, but holding onto the ball and pulling away from the opposing team's players is NOT a foul. i don't care who you are. tai wesley did NOT foul out of the game. YOU fouled him out.
and BYU best not be bragging and freaking out. because it was a freaking close game.
and you guys are supposed to be classy, but you're not, as shown in mindy's wonderful blog post. sorry.
i'm not saying we're classy. we never claimed to be classy. but you claim it so you better act like it.
but, win or lose, you still live in provo.
so, by default, we always WIN.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Ah. Summer. Probably one of the best words in the English language. But, for some reason, Summer can be the best and the worst of times. To explain, I'll make a list.

Top 10 Ways to Not Enjoy Summer

10: Get sunburned.

Ugh. There's nothing worse than enjoying a day outside and finding out that your face and/or neck and/or shoulders etc. have been frying all day long without your knowledge. It simply leads to pain. And nasty peeling.

9: Spend all day on Facebook.

Seriously people, do we even have social lives anymore outside of the computer? I mean, come on. It would be great to maybe, I dunno, go outside? Play with friends?

8: Forget to water your mom's plants.

DON'T FORGET TO WATER YOUR MOM'S PLANTS. Because then they will die. And she will hate you.

7: Use all your gas driving to Layton every day.

Ah, the dreaded gas money. Driving to Layton and back every day can be a definite gas money drainer. Then you have no money to do fun things.

6: Procrastinate your chores until 4 in the afternoon.

It's so nice to relax in the morning after you wake up at 11 and eat breakfast, check e-mail, play with your dog, all that jazz. But if that's the case then you have things to do. At like 4. Then you have to rush to get them all done or no play time for you.

5: Make plans with a busy person.

Busy. People. Flake. I've learned this summer that if you make plans with someone who's always busy, they will most likely back out at the last minute because of some random thing they totally forgot about. It's all good though. Thwarted plans don't bother me at all. (note sarcasm)

4: Go to Lagoon when it's 90 degrees outside.

For your own good, try to avoid Lagoon in the middle of July. Especially when there's a breeze going -5 miles per hour. Muggy. Humid. Hot. Deathly.

3: Sleep on a trampoline with 3 other people.

It is inevitable that you will all be REALLY cozy on that trampoline. Don't doubt it. You will not get comfortable and you will not get sleep.

2: Go to a concert with a horrible audience.

There's nothing worse than going to a concert of one of your all-time favorite bands when the audience is only there for the afterparty. It kills the mood! Lame audience members: go away.

And the number one way to NOT enjoy Summer:

1: Have a NCMO.

NCMO's suck. Really, who are we kidding? They do nothing but complicate your feelings and make your brain burn and die. And if your brain is burnt and dead, then how fun of a summer can you have?

Top 10 ways to Enjoy Summer

10: Get sunburned while snorkeling.

Oh the joys of Hanauma Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i. Seriously. If you want a good day, go snorkeling. Beautiful fish, crystal clear water, and, if you're lucky, maybe a sea turtle! Sure I was completely fried when I got home, but you know what? It was worth it.

9: Spend all day on Facebook and find out your friend is engaged.

Facebook is wonderful. It tells you all sorts of information. Like that one of your bestest friends from school is freakin' engaged! And I pretty much knew the day of. It was quite epic.

8: Forget to water your mom's plants then find her an even better hanging basket than the one you killed.

Trips to Pineae always make my mom happy. And we found a GORGEOUS hanging basket (that's now in place of the deceased one) and I'm pretty sure she likes it better. I'm sure she's forgotten by now. And she loves me.

7: Use all your gas driving to Layton every day to see your favorite people.

Layton is fun. Especially for Disney movie night. And you can totally take turns driving so you really don't waste that much gas money.

6: Procrastinate your chores until 4 in the afternoon but get them done quickly so you can still play.

Chores only take, what, 2 hours? If I start at 4 then I'm done by 6 and still have plenty of time to shower and play with my friends.

5: Make plans with a busy person and have the plans go through.

Ah, there's nothing better than being able to hang out with that busy person. Seriously. Especially if you hardly ever see them and you don't expect to. It's the greatest feeling in the world to play with a person that hardly ever plays.

4: Go to Lagoon when it's 90 degrees outside and experience the Samurai with a first-time rider.

BAHA. It may have been hot, but I sat next to a first-time rider on one of the more scary Samurai rides I've been on. Talk about a thrill.

3: Sleep on a trampoline with 3 other people and fall asleep laughing and wake up laughing.

I'm not sure what got into us, but I'm pretty sure we were all high on life. Constant laughing until we fell asleep, then the laughing continued as soon as we woke up.

2: Go to a concert with a horrible audience but make it awesome with your screaming as you watch your friend onstage, then watch fireworks and have an epic dance party.

OH MY HOLY HANNAH. One of the most epic days of this summer. The concert was absolutely fantastic, and it was followed by fireworks accompanied by music, then the music continued for a dance party. I honestly haven't had that much fun in ages. And the best thing about it? We were the ones who made the fun.

And the number one way to enjoy Summer:

1: Have a NCMO.

Really, who are we kidding? NCMO's are FANTASTIC.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Once Upon a Mattress...

I had the marvelous wonderful amazing opportunity to play the part of Lady Larken in Once Upon a Mattress. Can I just say AWESOME?! Seriously. I've found my calling in life: musical theater. The show was SO much fun, and I met a whole bunch of new people that are now like my bestest buddies. Everyone who wasn't in the show should be jealous. Yeah, you know who you are :) Anyway!! It was such a fun experience. And to the cast: I LOVE YOU ALL!! :D

Utah State's Musical Theater Group
Once Upon a Mattres
April 2 & 3, 2010

Directed by: Karlee Heaps

Minstrel: Bryce Wood
Prologue Prince: Steven Freestone
Prologue Queen: Amber Jensen
Prologue Princess: Erika Keller
Wizard: Eric Brown
Princess No. 12 and Kitchen Wench: Millie Struve
Lady Rowena: Becca Gee
Lady Merrill: Maren Comendant
Lady Lucille: Melanie Kirschbaum
Lady Larken: Lindsay Parkin
Prince Dauntless: Paul Dattage
Queen Aggravain: Susan Ballif
Sir Studley: Jarod Jensen
Sir Wyatt: Adam Earl
Sir Luce: Michael Haycock
King Sextimus the Silent: Michael Phipps
Jester: Ginny Sites
Princess Winnifred: Gwendolyn Dattage
Sir Harry: Jake Knight
Lady Beatrice and Nightingale: Mikelle Memmott
Lady Mabelle: Sarah Knudson
Emily Marbles: Machaela Watson
Delilah Mink: Harmony Byam
Lucy Henley: Caitlin Willey
June Henley: Emily Daniels

Thanks to everyone who made this happen. It was a great show and I loved every minute of it :D

Friday, January 29, 2010

"I told you so"

Two things people told me when I said I was going to Utah State:

"You'll have so much fun!!" and

"You'll freeze."

Both these statements have been proven true.

Logan. Is. COLD. It just is. It probably has to do with the fact that it's an hour north of Bountiful, therefore putting it 80 miles farther away from the Equator. :'( Also! It doesn't have a lake, so there is no lake effect of keeping the air that much warmer in the winter. I see all sorts of winter stuff around campus: sweatshirts, massive or big-buttoned coats, chunky boots, hats, scarves, gloves, and a great plethora of sweat pants. Since I have recently changed my major to interior design, I no longer live in the music building all day every day, so I'm walking from building to building a lot more often. And I freeze. Every time. "I told you so."

Logan. Is. A. BLAST. It just is. Seriously, there's like nothing to do here, but I love it! I had the greatest roommates ever and I've made some super AMAZING friends. We've come up with such things as Tuesday/Wednesday night movie nights, girl's night at IHOP, choir corner, spontaneous fingernail painting, Wally runs, buying a package of cookies and eating the whole thing, and giant skillets full of Ramen. I've been introduced (or re-introduced) to many things, like Val Kilmer in the 80's, David Bowie, Scatman, Cat Jahnke, opera, Vitas, more awkward conversations than I can ever imagine, being in a musical, classes of 150 students or more, no curfew, and the greateness that is Walmart. Overall, it's so far been an absolutely amazing school year! "I told you so."